Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Thank you letter from Colton Keddington 1st BHS scholarship recipient

We received a letter from Colton Keddington, the first Bountiful High School scholarship recipient thanking each of you for your contributions to his education.  He writes:
To whom it may concern,

My name is Colton Keddington and I was the Bountiful High 2012 recipient of your scholarship in Dr. Steven Hill's memory.  I wanted to write this letter to you to express how thankful I am for your help with my education.  I attended BYU this past year and did quite well.  My GPA is currently 3.92 with 47.50 hours completed. 

Not only did your contribution help me academically, but socially as well.  With your help I was able to live in the on campus dorms.  This area was extremely social.  Living in an area that has very close living quarters forced me to become comfortable with many people quickly.  Because of this I gained friends from all over the country.

Currently, I am preparing to serve and LDS mission in Helsinki Finland and plan on majoring in International Relations with a minor in Scandinavian studies when I return in July of 2015.  Thank you so much for your contribution to my education.  I hope that you will continue to help hardworking students because I know how much it really helps.  Thank you and may God bless your family.


Colton Nelson Keddington

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