Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who attended our 3rd annual golf tournament last week.  We raised just over $2,000; enough for two more scholarships for 2014 graduates! 

Look for more information about this and other fundraisers in the upcoming months.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Thank you letter from Colton Keddington 1st BHS scholarship recipient

We received a letter from Colton Keddington, the first Bountiful High School scholarship recipient thanking each of you for your contributions to his education.  He writes:
To whom it may concern,

My name is Colton Keddington and I was the Bountiful High 2012 recipient of your scholarship in Dr. Steven Hill's memory.  I wanted to write this letter to you to express how thankful I am for your help with my education.  I attended BYU this past year and did quite well.  My GPA is currently 3.92 with 47.50 hours completed. 

Not only did your contribution help me academically, but socially as well.  With your help I was able to live in the on campus dorms.  This area was extremely social.  Living in an area that has very close living quarters forced me to become comfortable with many people quickly.  Because of this I gained friends from all over the country.

Currently, I am preparing to serve and LDS mission in Helsinki Finland and plan on majoring in International Relations with a minor in Scandinavian studies when I return in July of 2015.  Thank you so much for your contribution to my education.  I hope that you will continue to help hardworking students because I know how much it really helps.  Thank you and may God bless your family.


Colton Nelson Keddington

2013 Scholarship recipients

We are pleased to announce the recipients of our second annual scholarships!  We are awarding a $1000 scholarship each to Jace Goodwin of Northridge High School and Betsy Holmgren of Bountiful High School.  Through your efforts and participation in our golf tournament in 2012, we are able to provide these scholarships.  We’d like to tell you a little about each of our recipients. 
Jace Goodwin will be attending Utah State University in the Fall, studying art/advertising.  He has served as Senior Class Executive Vice President, was a lead in the school musical, Les’ Misrable, the head artist for the sidewalk chalk competition, was a member of choir, theatre and art clubs at Northridge High School.  Jace wrote an essay about three people who reached out to him and changed his life.  He said, “they are each just one person, not an organization, not anyone famous, just small people.”  Because of their example, he took it upon himself to reach out using the Power of One to get to know all of his classmates in his LDS Seminary class.  Jace noted that it has taken some time, but everyone in that class is now taking the time to reach out to one another and to others in their own sphere of influence.  As we reviewed the applicants from Northridge High School, we felt that Jace has learned the importance of the Power of One and has shown how to implement Steve’s motto with others.  Congratulations Jace!
Betsy Holmgren will be attending Utah Valley University in the Fall. She plans to study business and marketing.  She would love to have a career in advertising/marketing so she can blend both business and her creative side.  Betsy participated in Cheerleading where she served as co-captain, participated in gymnastics for seven years, was a member of the choir at Bountiful High and was on the Honor Roll for grades and citizenship.  Betsy’s essay spoke about how the Power of One can have a “ripple effect and will inspire others to do good for others. If you think about all the great things that happened in the world, it started with one person.  Our actions don’t have to be huge to make an impact.  A times we may even be unaware of how our actions influence someone.”  This is how Steve lived his life.  We found out after his death the influence and the “ripple effect” he had on the lives of others. Betsy wrote about how the student body at Bountiful High School has come together to support each other and how it started with one person.  Many students will graduate with their memories of high school, but hopefully they will remember how they influenced and supported one another for good and will pass the Power of One theme along to others.  Congratulations Betsy for being the 2013 Bountiful High Scholarship recipient!
We would like to continue to award scholarships to deserving students who exemplify the Power of One!  In order to do this, we need your support at our Third Annual Golf Tournament scheduled for June 21st at Bountiful Ridge Golf Course.  We are still looking for players and sponsors!  Attached is information regarding this year’s tournament.  We hope you will join us on the 21st.    Also, please refer to our blog and facebook page for up-to-date information.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Golf Registration Form

We are excited to announce our 3rd Annual Golf Tournament for the Dr. Steven Hill Foundation on June 21, 2013 at Bountiful Ridge Golf Course.  Funds raised at the tournament will be used to provide post high school scholarships to students in Davis County.  Please register ASAP so we can fill up the course early.  See the attached for registration and sponsorship information.   

We hope to see you on June 21!  Your support is greatly appreciated!

Friday, February 8, 2013


Our 3rd annual golf tournament will be held on Friday, June 21, 2013 at Bountiful Ridge Golf Course.  SAVE THE DATE!  We hope to see you all there.  More details to come!